Monday, June 7, 2010

Lucha Libre...

We turned on "Nacho Libre" to watch the other day, which prompted an impromptu Lucha Libre fighting competition in our living room. Here's Jakey, the instigator of it all... showing his muscles just like Ramses in the background... Here he is again with Nacho and Ramses at the face off....

He forgot his mask, so we had to do another one, this time Margie decided to join in...

With her mask also (this one has a cape too!)
Somehow it turned into spiderman V.S. Hulk with pom poms by the end...?
Well, it's been the first of many fights at this house, whenever the couch gets pushed back and Jakey comes out with just his underwear on we know we're in for a good friendly competition between the two. Nachooooooooooo..........


The Hansen Family said...

Get that corn outta my face!

JakenDebbie said...

We cannot stop laughing!! Nachooooooo! wow, we miss you guys!
love Jake

Melissa Bosen said...
